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Free Consultation 

If you are considering working with a doula and want to know more, we can set up a free consultation via phone or Zoom to help you get your questions answered! 

Labor & Birth Package- $1,200 

*Two prenatal visits 

*Unlimited email and text support throughout pregnancy

*Childbirth and postpartum prep course

*Support creating a birth plan 

*Continuous labor support starting at active labor or arrival at birthing location 

*Support for the first two hours postpartum 

*One postpartum visit in home 

Payment plans are available if needed 

Virtual Doula Support Package- $550 

NOTHING can take the place of having a doula at your birth with you! However, if you are unable to have a doula with you in person, having support virtually throughout your labor and delivery could be a good option for you. 

*Two prenatal visits (virtual option)

*Childbirth and postpartum prep course (virtual option)

*Support creating a birth plan 

*Unlimited email and text support throughout pregnancy

*Virtual support during labor and delivery via facetime, calls, and texts 

*One postpartum visit (virtual option)

Cesarean Support Package- $800

*Cesarean education 

*Preference planning for birth

*Postpartum prep course/postpartum plan

*In person support before & 3 hours following cesarean 

*5 hours of healing/recovery support 

-can be used in hospital or at home 


Postpartum Package-$30/hr

Postpartum care packages are purchased by the hour with a 4 hour minimum. These packages will be customized to each individual mama's needs but can include things such as: 

*Newborn care 

*Sibling care 

*Light house keeping 

*Meal prep help

*Running errands 

*Lactation/feeding support & education

*Homemade meal for family included :) 


Overnight care is offered for $45/hr

Childbirth Education and Postpartum Prep Course- $150 

*Private in-home class (3 hours)

-can be split into 2 sessions if desired but an extra $25 travel fee will apply

*childbirth education:

-preparing for labor & delivery

-knowing your options 

-creating a birth plan 

-stages of labor 

-comfort measures and pain management 

-newborn care

*postpartum prep:

-what to expect 

-how to prepare 

-postpartum prep plan 

*Includes support making a birth plan/postpartum plan if desired

*Includes text and phone support after course is completed, if needed, while preparing for birth and postpartum 

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